• INOX Technology.

    Production of single-purpose machines, fixtures, manufacturing
    and measurement equipment for production of automotive industry and beyond.

  • INOX Technology.

    Production of single-purpose machines, fixtures, manufacturing
    and measurement equipment for production of automotive industry and beyond.

  • INOX Technology.

    Production of single-purpose machines, pieces
    and equipment for the automotive industry and beyond.

  • INOX Technology.

    Production of single-purpose machines, pieces
    and equipment for the automotive industry and beyond.


Our design department offers close collaboration with customers from the very beginning.


The company’s production programme is particularly focused on production and monitoring equipment.


Assembly of the resulting equipment takes place within company premises.

We are Inox.

Our production programme covers the full cycle, from idea, design, production and assembly to inspection, servicing and technical support.
Our key customers are suppliers to the automotive industry, mainly operating within the Czech market, but also within the European Union.

Since 2017, INOX Technology has been part of the SkyLimit Industry Group, which brings together successful small and medium-sized enterprises in the engineering sector.



Tisková zpráva – Praha, 15. února 2019

Na slavnostním večeru v pražském Hudebním divadle Karlín byly 14. 2. 2019 poprvé uděleny Diamanty českého byznysu – nové ceny, které se mají stát tradičním a prestižním ohodnocením výkonnosti českých firem v jednotlivých regionech. Výsledky za Liberecký kraj:

  1. CRYTUR, spol. s r.o.
  2. HOKAMI CZ, s.r.o.
  3. INOX Technology a.s.
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